Let's talk about death
Let’s talk about death
It’s been a historical mystery of
all time that kept prevailing from forever, had a buzz till now .People are
dying by natural deaths, accidental deaths, planned and unplanned death but the question is still unanswered what happens after death or why we die?
When I was a kid , I was among
those science fascinated young scientists(obviously in hearts) with special
theories and hypothesis of their own and discovery channel was launched , news
papers started the completely new section for science news and sci-fi tv programs pushed my young mind
for thinking and relating things with each and everything.
So one fine day I saw a program
on discovery regarding Qui( pronunciation=chi) , its from Chinese civilization
kind of yoga, consist of fluidic movement of body with control on stretches, which helps us
regulating the flow of energy in human body. Than I studied a law from newtons
i.e. energy can neither be created and nor be destroyed ,
it can only be changed from one from to
another and than I studied Maganatism is
physics, there I studied about attraction, repulsion , centre of gravity and
neutralization.than I studied equilibrium everything in this world is
considered to be stable or fine if it is in equilibrium,every body in this
world has its own equilibrium and always tries
to attain equilibrium infact this world also tries to attain the state
of equilibrium.
Being an Indian, we are raised
with loads of Gods and loads of fascinating mythological stories which had no
logic when it was told but started to make sense with the growth of me and my
science knowledge.
Back than I was able to relate mutations from genetics to
all the mythological stories, was able
to relate so many science experiments with
stupid rituals and magic of
societies at that period of time I came
up with concept of death,astrology and premonitions.
“ Every human being in this world
along with every object of this universe be it living or non living carries its
own centre of gravity, and its centre should be maintained throughout for the
well being of any object, and whenever this centre of gravity shifts its
position any body would not find itself
not at ease and hence disease , and to
maintain the equilibrium ,immune system tries to heal the body to ensure the centre of gravity is at
Now when we talk about gravity
,we are talking about a force of attraction or repulsion and hence magnetism.
Also we can also say gravity is
an energy, and whenever this energy decentralize it causes some kind of dis-ease and as the energy only shifts from one form to
another , it will always remain at equilibrium .
So whatever I wrote is just a
hypothesis with whole loads of complexities
and may be the experession vocabulary is also not upto my own standards but while writing this complex article I am totally different phase of my
thinking. So let me get back to my
Why we die? Why we feel diseased?
Whenever any energy shifts takes
place , it will try to attain equilibrium
and maintain equilibrium some effort or force is required , now I am getting
into too much physics to explain this .
We can assume this whole earth as
permanent magnet or as a total energy
or may be just as whole 1. Having said that we can say the total energy of this
universe is constant i. e 1 and it can only be changed from one from to
another say A+ B= 1
and A= B-1 but energy is always 1.
This whole energy can be termed
as parmatma, almighty , the god ,total power ,whole energy and its portion of
energy can be termed as atma, living being,temporary magnet,souls ,spirits and
power and whenever someone die it simply
means their energy is decentrailized and it can’t be centralized and to
maintain equilibrium it would get back to the source or we can say that temporary magnetic field
of human body is neutralized by the
permanent magnet.
Similarily you can explain astrology with magnetism and
newtons law for every action there is equal and opposite reaction. That’s why celestial bodies,
stones,gems,colors, objects and directions , colors everything which can carry
or posses energy or magnetic field can change the action and reaction .
Though this is not so unique but death still require some concrete
To be continued…