9 and 1/2 ways to celebrate the Valentines day

Disclaimer:- all these steps are tried and tested though in case of backfires kindly ignore and don’t blame me!!! ---- from rishi towards sainthood!!

Guys and Gals the fever is on , everywhere you look from now to February 14th, the web is full of gooey, sticky, icky sweet Valentine's poems, gifts, cards and more. What about those of us who can only express our emotions through sarcasm and cynicism? Are we doomed to send Be Mine heart candy and chocolate roses till the day we die? Must we send cutesy flash animated Ecards with buzzing bees and cuddly bears that no-one really enjoys anyway? No. There is another way. Here are 9 and a half ideas to fill the entire day that will make this year's Valentines Day unique, original and not so serious.

1.    Dedicate a song on your local radio channel. 
Now there are three scenarios 1 for the people already in an affair, two those who had some affair, three who are planning to have affair. For type one try tujhko jo paya  from crook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl9Q-1ZESXU.  For type two you can try somebody;s me or everything I do , and please don’t go for please forgive me, all you can do is just an expression for lost love and feeling of missing treasure but please keep your panache on , you are still have life  sotryhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeZr3U_vbng or  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaXMG9nwm5c   and for those who wanted to have one  the type 3 can try  Kaislah kher’s awesomestic song  sayiaan”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMxsBUdN_8c  and  Just make sure your valentine is listening.
2. Start the day off by sending one of those personalized e-cards that let you stick the face of you and/or your partner into a funny Valentines Day picture. 
MeCards.com is a free one with a good Valentine's Day selection. There's also MushyGushy.com, SmileBox.com and FaceDub.com. Other funny ecards sites (but without the photo personalization) are SomeEcards.com and WrongCards.com  and you need some common cards try 123 greeting.comJ
3. Play a Valentine's Day practical joke.
 Buy a box of chocolates and then take a bite out of every piece. Rewrap it and when your partner opens it, act as surprised and shocked as he/she is.
4. Give an original gift.  
Try a single red rose(everyone).  Teddy bear(girls) Wallet or lighter(boys) and pen and diaries(geeks) ( cz geeks can love as well)
5. So once the cards are sent and the gifts are given, what are you actually going to do together on the big day?
Dinner and a movie? Eh eh. Why not try...naked finger painting? Tell guests who stop to admire your abstract pieces that they are original "Monage's" or "Heisenhoff's" and you spent a fortune having them delivered from Berlin. OK - if you must go for something traditional, but still funny, you can always hit a comedy club, pub, discs ,movies  and Just make sure to book your tickets in advance. Well one can try a khaca-khach bhari metro ride to Connaught place (delhi), cant share hw its romantic, try it and you will get the answers…

6. For those who like to get even more creative, here are some things you can actually prepare yourself. 
First on the list, is one of those coupon books. You've seen them before - "the bearer of this coupon is entitled to one sensual massage," etc etc. You can decorate them as you like, and get as racy as you dare. Just make sure that all coupons expire that night in the really fine print so you don't regret anything a year down the road.
7. Next, why not get a little jiggy with it?  
Try extreme flirting  , bring the animal out of you , show your true colors, let go , be insane, make your wildest desires and fantasies come true .
Disclaimer:- only for type1.
8. Make a treasure hunt. 
You'll need to prepare a series of clues that your partner must solve in order to discover a location where the next clue is hidden. This continues until the last location where you hide the prize, which can be your gift or just good ole you with a big "ta-dah!" Clues should be personal and humorous like - "Where did we not make hours of beautiful sweet love in the last 2 weeks due to too much housework, long work hours,  a migraine, and general over-tiredness?"  Oh my god how creative I am …
9. The last preparation idea is a home-cooked meal. 
But not your average food - prepare funny love foods.  Well at your risk cause I tried this two years back , love was there though I ended up on funny food only.

9 1/2. Watch a sexy movie together like 9 1/2 weeks.
 I know it's not funny, but it's a great idea and a great movie starring Mickey Rourke before his face got all weird. Because of this idea, I could not title this article "10 Funny Ideas for Valentine's Day 2010" as I originally intended, but it's a good idea nonetheless and works well with ideas #7 and #9.
Though you can try other movies like Titanic, PS I love you, if only , sweet November or A walk to remember, the point someone should die in any romantic movie,(koi na koi marna hi chahiye picture mein,usse chances badh jaate hain senti hone ke…)

Well, that's it folks! Have a funny, sexy Valentine's Day!

Once done please upload the status , pics  on Facebook , so that I can comment  for those who wants to have further suggestion or interested in Facebook friendships please use following link… http://www.facebook.com/rishids

Janhit mein jaari!!!

Issued in public interest!!


deepika said…
ROFL..... Awesum dude.....good job done...
P.G. said…
Mr. sharma Gyan guru se love guru kab ban gaye? well nice suggestion, tried and tested hmm, well i must say awesome blog.

You really have some talent!!!
Neha Agarwal said…
kisi ne theek hi kaha hai...
"jyotishi apna haath khud nahi dekhta.. love guru apne hi love me success nahi hota..."
(waise kisi ne nahi.. abhi abhi maine hi kaha hai.. m so creative.. Oh Ma God.. :) )

anyways nice post/gyaan... :P
Anonymous said…
Forbidden fruit is sweet.
manila said…
great sir,kya tips hai mind blowing..it means ur valentines day will be gonna great.....
she is very lucky as u r in her life,,,hope u'll be together forever
good luck:):):)
Anonymous said…
Awesome post. Do you mind if I ask what your source is for this information?
shivank mishra said…
wahh good counseling sir lagee rahoo
Unknown said…
check my blog as well

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