9 and 1/2 ways to celebrate the Valentines day

Disclaimer:- all these steps are tried and tested though in case of backfires kindly ignore and don’t blame me!!! ---- from rishi towards sainthood!! Guys and Gals the fever is on , everywhere you look from now to February 14th, the web is full of gooey, sticky, icky sweet Valentine's poems, gifts, cards and more. What about those of us who can only express our emotions through sarcasm and cynicism? Are we doomed to send Be Mine heart candy and chocolate roses till the day we die? Must we send cutesy flash animated Ecards with buzzing bees and cuddly bears that no-one really enjoys anyway? No. There is another way. Here are 9 and a half ideas to fill the entire day that will make this year's Valentines Day unique, original and not so serious. 1. Dedicate a song on your local radio channel. Now there are three scenarios 1 for the people already in an affair, two those who had some affair, three who are planning to have affair. For type one try...