i have my "Heaven" to offer!!!!

It's becoming clearer and clearer for me that only a hurt man can hurt someone else.Only a man who was aggressed can be aggressive. Only the one who was once abandoned, can abandon someone else. And the one who was  once rejected can reject.

As well as, once you know kindness, you can be also kind. Once you learn to openly receive, you can abundantly give. From the moment you feel understood, you can be understanding as well. And, once you let yourself touched by love, you can manifest love around you...
It is the wound in you that pushes you to hurt, as well as it is the love in you that inspires you to love.
Because, once you receive a life model, a way of being, another option for living, you can choose. And people indeed make the best choice every single moment. If only they have from where to choose. That's all.
It's up to me and you and all of us to give life models. Models of love, kindness, respect, joy, understanding, offering, communion.  Because, be the change you want to see in the world are not just words once Gandhi said. They have become a way of living though he also said" whatever you do in life will be insignifigant. but it is very important that you do it anyway".

Well whatever , don’t wanna go further but still want to express  more feelings, but I won’t . Since I’ve been to gurgaon , life is changed upside down however  some things remain untouched and unchanged, like people around me are still around me are not able to comprehend my actions, so this life model is getting complex day by day , hour by hour, second by second …
People around me thinks that I am among the luckiest person on planet , the way I am growing ,coz most of the people around me think that life is all about splendid career  and loads of money and by the grace of god I have both, its not that I don’t have any respect for what I got or achieved , its simply the emptiness which I felt  even after getting most of the materialistic things by losing some precious realistic things and still not able to control later ones appropriately , that limits my success story  to only a people’s person but not a personal person to anybody  or nobody special. So I have seen this dissatisfactiion and was leaving every body else dissatisfied untill yesterday.
Yesterday I had dream , I was in heaven, god knows why , probably its gladiator effect , I’ve seen this movie multiple times , but never had any dream sequence of it untill last night.

So I was in some garden in heaven, I was walking down some kind of aisle  of skimmish , sizzlers of light purple bay and crossing through with a such a pleasant perfume ,I was in different world ,I touched the trees and I let my hands to feel them and to tell them that I love and thank them. For they teach me to accept, to feel my roots and crown, to listen to the silence in my soul and to whisper it to other people too, travelers in my life, if they have time and willingness to stay for a while and to listen in the silence of their own soul...

I caressed with my eyes the birds on the lake and I told them too that I love and thank them. As they quietly float their way living life on the lake, teaching me every time to Be, to breathe, to smile within my heart :)

I breathed with the lake, letting myself dive into the depths of my heart, embraced by the love found here with the same velvety sensation with which water also is embracing me each time we dance together. And I thanked them, the lake, the heart and the love too, as I'm learning from them to flow and to embrace with my whole being, not only with my arms...
I rested my body on the grass, still green and soft, and I told her too that I love and thank her. I thank her that she receives me, she supports me, she teaches me to be humble and to pay attention, the same attention that made possible to notice that each blade of grass has a different shade of green...
I melted in the morning sun and I let his rays to touch my skin and to awake my each cell, then I opened my heart to breath him in there, so that I can give light and warmth around me as he also gives. And rays from my heart went towards the sun to let him know that I love and thank him, as he's teaching me to be present, to give and to love with no other purpose than living my nature, to let my inner light to shine, not because someone is seeing it, but because this is the only meaning of light...

And I opened  my eyes and thanked that I am living all these even here, in a middle of a city...
Cause after all, where does heaven comes from if not from the openness to seek and find the beauty in every single thing that exists right here, right now, and to simply enjoy it?
So I just felt heaven and I can share my heaven with you , but you wont ever know  that if we are together  ,we’re in heaven…..


Anshu said…
U have a great imagination power.I know dis thing but this blog prove it to others also. I am a big fan of u and ur blogs nd dis time u are superb. seriously,the way u present the nature,is amazing...
Deepika said…
Nice work but as compared to your last works it was a little bit disappointing. You have set certain standards by now so thats why. Though the description and language is still good and captivating but I believe its the flow that has been affected.
And I completely abhor or rather oppose the idea that a person who has been hurt can hurt. Reason being some one who has gone through the pain , understands how it feels and would never ever do so to any other.
As always, wishing you all the best for all your future endeavours. Keep writing :)

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