i have my "Heaven" to offer!!!!

It's becoming clearer and clearer for me that only a hurt man can hurt someone else.Only a man who was aggressed can be aggressive. Only the one who was once abandoned, can abandon someone else. And the one who was once rejected can reject. As well as, once you know kindness, you can be also kind. Once you learn to openly receive, you can abundantly give. From the moment you feel understood, you can be understanding as well. And, once you let yourself touched by love, you can manifest love around you... It is the wound in you that pushes you to hurt, as well as it is the love in you that inspires you to love. Because, once you receive a life model, a way of being, another option for living, you can choose. And people indeed make the best choice every single moment. If only they have from where to choose. That's all. It's up to me and you and all of us to give life models. Models of love, kindness, respect, joy, understanding, offering, communion. Because, ...