My Idea of BUSINESS PLAN :) :) :)

Disclaimer:- By writing this document I am sharing my best practices ( ideal practice that one should do)to all the entrepreneurs or to be entrepreneurs , it’s not a guarantee that It would work , though it should work. People can add salt and spices as per requirement. Community who plant everything on paper are seldom the ones who take any feat and the ones who desires to just go and get it done never give the impression to put anything on paper; this is so true for entrepreneurs, and I think … no I believe that I am different from the later community. Pen down everything coz kya pata "kal ho na ho" either plan or pen:) Not so many people know except my mom, that I write down each and everything, I create plans, execute them but prior to that I document it somewhere. Now why I am bringing this context as I am about to share my practice along with my imagination, probably I may exaggerate but I believe this ideally should be done in a specified manner. But, ...