Long time back somewhere I read Osho talking about the difference between Kabeer and Buddha. He said Buddha is difficult to understand for common people because in order to think how he reached enlightenment - or even just to observe it; it's mandatory for the mind to know what it means to be a Prince. Same goes for Lord RAM also. Mere mortals struggling in their day to day life may pretend to understand but it's like knowing for the sake of knowing. Believing what you heard.To understand buddha is to like go through the OXFORD HARVARD and read technical papers and scripts of Harappan Civilization.Kabeer and Bhulle Shan on the other hand were common people like us. They were no princes who had lots of things to give up, weren't educated nor previliged - for them day to day life was business and business was worhsip and a way to god. They were enlightened souls and their way to reach the GOD was though daily chores. Who else can convey such strong messages in such simple wor...